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Wednesday 16 January 2013



By the term 'companies', here, we are referring to those companies or institutions that cater to media text. Catering is done in terms of finance, distribution, production and promotion. These companies are also called media houses. Every media text needs to generate money and help from these companies in the process of making the mroduct. For example, a film has to be released and distributed after being produced.

Other than being divided into sectors such as finance  distribution, promotion etc  these companies can also be divided into commercial and non-commercial companies. So what are these and how are they different? Non-Commercial Companies (public companies) are those companies that have to follow accepted business practices in order to make a profit but is not a financial company or institution. A good and most successful example of a non-commercial media institution is BBC. How is BBC  a non-commercial company? This is mainly because BBC  caters more towards public purpose in all means other than just entertainment and profit making. BBC dos not only finance and distribute films, documentaries and shows but also the news and environmental knowledge via different headlines and programmes  It is one of the few Media institutions that are also shown on television as a complete Channel. Not only that, but is the world's most biggest and famous new channel, catering to a wide range of the worldly occupation  and is definitely the most authentic and trusted news channel. The BBC has six public purposes. For starters, sustaining citizenship and civil society (The BBC provides high-quality news, current affairs and factual programming to engage its viewers, listeners and users in important current and political issues)promoting education and learning ( The support of formal education in schools and colleges and informal knowledge and skills building)stimulating creativity and cultural excellence (Encouraging interest, engagement and participation in cultural, creative and sporting activities across the UK), representing UK, its nations, regions and communities ( BBC viewers, listeners and users can rely on the BBC to reflect the many communities that exist in the UK ), bringing the UK to the world and the world to the UK ( The BBC will build a global understanding of international issues and broaden UK audiences' experience of different cultures) and delivering to the public the benefit of emerging communications technologies and services (Assisting UK residents to get the best out of emerging media technologies now and in the future). The BBC is run on the basis of certain laws and guidelines  These are created by individual official bodies such as OFcom, BBC trust and fair trading. These policies help BBC obtain the designed public purposes. In other words, institutions like BBC are more socially friendly whereas non-commercial companies are just the opposite.

Commercial companies however, are companies that work more towards making money by financing, promoting and distributing media texts, mainly feature films in order to make money through audience feedback and box office ratings. The main difference between commercial and non-commercial companies is the concept of ideas and purposes, since commercial companies want more of social welfare and non-commercial care mainly towards their profit maximization. Non commercial companies tend to choose a particular genre type of films that they cater to. Examples of non-commercial companies are Walt Disney Pictures, Warner Bros, Paramount, Universal Pictures, Columbia Pictures, Fox etc. Taking Warner Brothers as an example, this is one of the world'd oldest and respected motion pictures organization. It not only finances films but also produces them as well as promotion and distribution. 

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