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Wednesday 16 January 2013



SCENE ONE: ( After the film institution logo appears) -My lead actor (who is portrayed as a house maid), Saima, is humming away in the kitchen while she's making tea and at the same time, is trying to repeat whatever the 'mistress' of the house is speaking out in the background, in a way, is trying to learn the English language. At the same time her voice over is played in the back ground, telling her story.

SCENE TWO: (voice over continues) Saima enters the lounge, puts the tea tray on the table, next to a pile of books. She stares quietly, dreadfully, and then looks away
SCENE THREE: (Fast forward parallel editing) Saima is shown doing parts of her daily chores.
SCENE FOUR: Saima is shown sitting out at the terrace, listening to her mistress’s daughter revising her lesson orally in the dining room, while tracing the alphabetical order on her old school copy and suddenly, someone calls out to her again, it is the mistress
SCENE FIVE: Saima is given a task and she is shown doing it again through fast forward parallel editing
SCENE SIX: She finally gets back to her work, tracing the alphabets, her copy and an over lapping shot of the sky is shown in fast forwards editing, as she finally completes her work while the sky changes color
SCENE SEVEN: She runs out to the lounge, excited, shows her work to everyone and waits for their reaction. Just when everyone is about to show their excitement, the mistress’s daughter enters the lounge with news that she’s gotten into a very big university abroad, and everyone’s attention is diverted to her
SCENE EIGHT: Saima realizes her little happiness, is little after all. She passes a painful smile and walks to the room putting her copy in the drawer, and shutting the drawer, knowing her effort is just a long awaited dream.

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