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Wednesday 16 January 2013



The target audience is the percentage of people, film makers consider to cater to while making a media product. It can be categorized in two ways, demographic and sociological. These consist of the following; age and gender, income (profession), residence and social back ground. On the other hand attitudinal demographics and sociological can be classified as another category. These consist of; intentions  habits, likes and dislikes, responses, behavior etc.

It is a must for film makers to be aware of all these things of their particular target audience, only then they know how to cater to them. Knowing what age and gender your target audience belongs to help film makers know what kind of films they like, their income levels help them to know what amount they’d be willing to pay to watch a film, and their professional life helps them in analyzing when they have time to consume the product.

Interests on the other hand are very important while making a film. If your target audience has a high percentage of boys between the age of 13 to 25, then you know your product will be consumed most if it caters to genres like action, horror or thriller, but if your target audience has a high percentage of girls between the age of 13 to 25, you should know they’re probably expecting a chick flick or a love story. This is how audience affects your product.

Coming to my own film, I have researched and managed to find out, that for an art film, my target audience consists of multi-sex people, mainly above the age of thirty with high income levels. Also, their interests are more towards consuming whatever conveys an sort of intellect, rather than enjoyment n entertainment. My target audience also consists of art film critics and scholars, who would watch the film in order to observe it completely, including its presentation, construction, story and mise-en-sene.

Their age tells me that they want a mature film with a mature story line, closer to reality which they can relate to. Also, they are grownups, so the use of indirect language throughout the movie can be easily understood, however, media language must be easy to read. These people often come to consume such products with immense interests, mainly due to their habits and likes and also because this film line is small and art films tend to release within gaps, leaving them curious and anxious to watch it.

Income levels make it easier for art film makers. They already know their audience is full of intellectual people with classy and open minded backgrounds having enough money to consume their product, more than just once, or very often. Their backgrounds are mainly from the elite, or educated class, which enables them to critically analyze the product and accordingly, give the truthful response to it.
All these things about my target audience will help me know, what type of scenes I can shoot, what media language I can use, what my mese-en-sene should look like, keeping in mind what my audience is expecting, what type of music they would approve of, and what story would appeal to them to the level that they relate to it.

Now, coming to the big question, how do i know what my target audience is? Well for this i would need to know a lot of things. First of all, as mentioned, not a lot of people tend to watch art films, and also, not a lot of directors want to produce art films. Let us use pie charts to make our understanding clearer.Coming to my own film first, I have researched and managed to find out, that for an art film, my target audience consists of multi-sex people, mainly above the age of thirty with high income levels. Also, their interests are more towards consuming whatever conveys an sort of intellect, rather than enjoyment n entertainment. My target audience also consists of art film critics and scholars, who would watch the film in order to observe it completely, including its presentation, construction, story and mise-en-sene.
Their age tells me that they want a mature film with a mature story line, closer to reality which they can relate to. Also, they are grown-ups, so the use of indirect language throughout the movie can be easily understood, however, media language must be easy to read. These people often come to consume such products with immense interests, mainly due to their habits and likes and also because this film line is small and art films tend to release within gaps, leaving them curious and anxious to watch it.
Income levels make it easier for art film makers. They already know their audience is full of intellectual people with classy and open minded backgrounds having enough money to consume their product, more than just once, or very often. Their backgrounds are mainly from the elite, or educated class, which enables them to critically analyze the product and accordingly, give the truthful response to it.
All these things about my target audience will help me know, what type of scenes I can shoot, what media language I can use, what my mese-en-sene should look like, keeping in mind what my audience is expecting, what type of music they would approve of, and what story would appeal to them to the level that they relate to it.



This shows what interest people have in art films. Since only 5% people tend to watch art films, that means my target audience consists of a very little amount, within this 5%. However, even this little amount of audience is what my film would depend upon. Not a lot of money is given into the production of an art film, neither making profit is one of the main aims. I would launch my film for the main purpose of awareness about child labour and poverty and the trend of keeping servants in our third world country. And as long as this 5% is willing to go ahead and watch and criticise my film, I will feel I have contributed, little, but some level of awareness to my country. I also sent out a random questionnaire sample to a few people asking their age and genre preferences. Here are the results :

This evaluation explains everything. Most of the answers i got were supporting romance and comedy and most of these belonged to the younger age group from 10-25. However, only two results were supporting 'art' films and both these belonged to the age group of 40-70. This indicates that more older people with a higher level of intellect and concern over society tend to enjoy art films, hence my target audience consists of aged people being part of the 5% well financed population. I did not choose gender as an option because unlike stereo-typical results of gender towards romance and horror or action, my genre is versatile and men and women both can enjoy it equally as it highlights social affairs and also, the age group my target audience belongs to consists of mature people who would think beyong what we say is 'girly' or 'boyish'.

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